Welcome to 


The Uno game room welcomes you! Have fun!

Click on the button above to open the chat window. Need help chatting? Watch this video.

Tap the button above to chat.

Watch this video!

MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters
MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters

Room Website

Click here to visit this chat room’s official website or social media page.


Chat Room Rules

This is a fun game room, so try not to have conversations in the main chat room – it’s there for answers and congratulatory messages 😛

Report Abuse

Click here to report abuse or suspicious behaviour, or visit the chat room’s website for more information.

Did You Know?

It is seen as bad chat etiquette to write your message or nickname in ALL caps unless you're trying to shout.

Words of Wisdom:

Imagination was given to us to compensate for what we are not; a sense of humor was given to us to console us for what we are. -Mark McGinnis