Welcome to 

Chat27 Central

This chat room is a place where you can get some basic introductions to Chat27. It is basically here for support purposes, but you’re welcome to start a conversation if there are others around.

Click on the button above to open the chat window. Need help chatting? Watch this video.

Tap the button above to chat.

Watch this video!

MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters
MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters

Room Website

Click here to visit this chat room’s official website or social media page.


Chat Room Rules

  • Respect all chatters.
  • Type /list when you enter the room

Report Abuse

Click here to report abuse or suspicious behaviour, or visit the chat room’s website for more information.

Did You Know?

It is seen as bad chat etiquette to write your message or nickname in ALL caps unless you're trying to shout.

Words of Wisdom:

I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us. -Anne Lamott