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Flirt Chat Room

Flirt chat started in 2012 as a place for people to come and chat in a relaxed environment. Join in for plenty of lighthearted chat and friendship.

Click on the button above to open the chat window. Need help chatting? Watch this video.

Tap the button above to chat.

Watch this video!

MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters
MeetSA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters

Room Website

Click here to visit this chat room’s official website or social media page.


Chat Room Rules

Enjoy your stay and feel free to chat in the main chat room or in private with individuals!

  • Respect other chatters at all times. Harassment, abuse, trolling and bullying is strictly forbidden.
  • No flooding or spamming/advertising directed at channels, users or services.
  • For assistance, please contact a channel operator (a chatter with an @ or ~ next to their name)

Report Abuse

Click here to report abuse or suspicious behaviour, or visit the chat room’s website for more information.

Did You Know?

Chat27 does not run, administrate or own any of the chat rooms you connect to on here. Chat27 is a portal to pre-existing chat rooms run by private individuals. Chat27 was created to introduce chatting to as many people as possible by making it easy to connect to South Africa's most popular chat rooms from one convenient location.

Words of Wisdom:

I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains. -Anne Frank